Welcome to Lutheran Church-Canada

Our Mission

Our mission is to serve, strengthen, and equip congregations for bold, faithful, Christ-centred witness.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a unified, confessional body of believers fulfilling the Great Commission.

Our Values

Truth. We value Scripture as the inerrant, written Word of God and the only rule and norm of faith and practice.

Grace. We value Grace as the free and undeserved gift of God through Christ Jesus which empowers believers to show forgiveness and mercy to others.

Unity. We value unity in doctrine, proclamation, and practice, as expressed in Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions.

Vocation. We value each person’s unique God-given gifts, talents, and abilities, enabling them to witness Christ’s redeeming love in all aspects and stations of life.

Sanctity of Life. We value life as a gift of God to be cherished, nurtured, and protected from conception to natural death.

Trust. We value telling one another the truth in love, doing what we say we will do, and stewarding all ministry resources to the glory of God. 

Relationships. We value and respect one another as children of God, demonstrating love in all things because He first loved us. 

Recent News via CanadianLutheran.ca

Australian Lutherans vote to allow ordination of women

AUSTRALIA – The Lutheran Church of Australia/New Zealand (LCANZ) has voted to allow women’s ordination, affecting its relationship with confessional Lutherans worldwide. The decision came during the LCANZ’s Convention…

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Grateful Whatever the Season

by Robert Mohns This summer has seen the continued outpouring of God’s grace upon His Church, especially upon the congregations and workers, both lay…

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New LCC missionary pastor to serve Oromo Christians in B.C.

SURREY, B.C. – In early September 2024, the Oromo Lutheran Fellowship—which currently worships at Faith Lutheran Church in Surrey—celebrated its…

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Calls & Transitions

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New school year begins at LCC seminaries

CANADA – September marked the beginning of a new school year at Lutheran Church–Canada’s two seminaries. Concordia Lutheran Seminary (CLS…

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New issue of The Canadian Lutheran magazine!

The Canadian Lutheran is the award-winning national publication of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC). What to expect in this issue:

  • We learn how Martin Luther shared the mercy of Christ through his care of souls.
  • We see how a parent grieving the death of their children looks with hope to the mercy of Christ in the midst of the sorrows of this world.
  • We ask what it means to show mercy to the church workers at work in our congregations.
You can read the full magazine on ISSUU.com now, or wait for your printed copy to arrive by mail!

Visit: ISSUU.com