1. Make-up
    The Military Deanery shall consist of all rostered Lutheran Church-Canada (LCC) pastors currently servicing as Military Chaplains (Regular or Reserve) in Her Majesty’s Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).
  2. Authority

    1. The Military Deanery is primary means by which Dean of Military Chaplains (DMC) delivers the services of LCC to Military Chaplains in the CAF.
    2. The Dean of Military Chaplains shall support the Deanery in that responsibility and ensure that the Deanery fulfills that responsibility.
    3. The Dean of Military Chaplains shall convene meetings of the Deanery and may chair the meetings or delegate the responsibilities of chair to others.
    4. The Dean of Military Chaplains shall appoint a secretary from within the Deanery.
  3. Responsibilities
    The responsibilities of the Military Deanery are to:

    1. advise the Dean of Military Chaplains on matters of need for providing ecclesiastical supervision, building community, and caring for members of the Military Deanery;
    2. provide a convocation for Members in the Deanery to share concerns about needs that are not being met and other issues of concern and to provide opportunities for brotherly fellowship, spiritual growth, building up, and the like;
    3. provide an important conduit for sharing information from LCC and her regions with the Members of the Military Deanery;
  4. Expectations
    The Military Deanery is expected to:

    1. meet annually, if possible, and at the request of the Dean of Military Chaplains,
    2. be intentional about two-way sharing between Military Chaplains and the Dean of Military Chaplains; make decisions by consensus, not by voting.
  5. Scope of Duties
    The Military Deanery shall:

    1. work in consultation with the Dean of Military Chaplains (DMC) and the Canadian Mission Executive (CME)
    2. keep a resource file of people and suggestions that may assist Military Chaplains in Word and Sacrament ministry as well as the other areas listed below
    3. prepare a report to be included in the Synod convention workbook for the Military Deanery
    4. in consultation with the DMC, utilize individuals that may not be part of the Military Deanery but have a skill set in specific areas
    5. support the DMC in delivering the following services:
      1. Ecclesiastical supervision
      2. Building community
      3. Caring for members
      4. Communication
      5. Budget planning
      6. Convocations
      7. Chaplain Recruiting/Vetting Process