Did you know that LCC Convention Delegates serve for four years, until the next Synod Convention? In traditional Lutheran fashion, we decided to ask “What does this mean?” as it pertains to the bylaws about our Convention Delegates in our Synod’s Handbook!



1. Delegates serve for 4 years.

Your role as a Convention Delegate lasts for four years, until the next Synod Convention.

2. Delegates are “Resource Persons” in their congregation.

Helpful Tip: LCC’s Communications Department can help you identify and communicate available resources that might be beneficial to your home congregation or parish. To get started, you might consider exploring LCC’s Free Congregational Website Hosting and Development Service; Stock Photo Catalogue; and Servant Leader Network Platform.

3. Delegates assist in disseminating and implementing resolutions passed at Convention.

LCC provides a variety of material to help you report back to your congregation, as its delegate at the 2022 Synod Convention.

  • All five issues of the Convention newsletter, The Standard, are available digitally on our website, including a summ­ary news issue available in Afaan-Oromo.
  • The official Proceedings of the 2022 Convention will be published in September. All delegates will be sent a link to the electronic copy. It will also be available on LCC’s website. The Proceedings include the Convention minutes, resolutions, election results, sermons, as well as other reports presented at Convention.
  • Also, see the July/August 2022 issue of The Canadian Lutheran magazine where you can read about some of the Convention happenings!

4. Delegates partner with LCC’s Communications Department.

Many of these points involve looking back at the Convention where the resolutions were passed, but the implementation of the resolutions will take place between now and 2026. Looking forward! LCC’s Communications Department will communicate action plans and report on progress concerning resolutions, through our various platforms and in partnership with you, as Convention Delegates.

LCC’s Director of Communications will be in touch with you to get connected. For now, feel free to check out the Communications Department Quick Reference Guide to discover where you can find LCC content online and in print.

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