Lutherans Respond

Lutherans respond to same-sex court rulings

Responding to the recent court rulings regarding same-sex marriage, Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC), through its president, Rev. Dr. Ralph Mayan, has reaffirmed the public teaching of the church “that ‘marriage’ is the union of one man and one woman as God has created and instituted it.” as stated in a resolution adopted by the church body at its 2002 national convention. “This is what the Holy Scriptures teach,” stated President Mayan. “And this is what we as a church body will continue to confess and teach regardless of social custom or civil law. We are bound by the Word of God.”

The LCC president noted that this teaching regarding marriage is not uniquely Christian. “All major religions have a similar position regarding marriage and the family and see it as the building block in society,” he said. “It reflects the moral and natural law placed into the heart of humanity at creation.” He went on to say that upholding and supporting marriage and the family is beneficial to our society.

The church has encouraged its officers, pastors and parishioners to affirm this scriptural position whenever opportunities arise. More information on Lutheran Church–Canada’s position on marriage can be found at

Winnipeg-based Lutheran Church–Canada was formed in 1988 and comprises 326 congregations from Nova Scotia to B.C. with almost 80,000 members.

December 9, 2004